All the things you can get financial help with

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Financial Help

Claimants of Universal Credit could be due thousands worth of extra financial of extra help, but may not be aware of it.

Low income Brits are struggling with their household budgets in the face of rising costs – from household bills like gas and electricity to food and general cost of living – but they could get up to thirty different kinds of assistance.

Universal Credit claimants almost doubled during the pandemic to 6 million Brits, and more than a third of these are working but claiming from the Department for Work and Pensions because their income is not high enough on its own. Benefits than can be claimed include Council Tax reduction.

Shockingly, 15 billion pounds of benefit money is lost every year by not being claimed, with pensioners missing out the most. More than a quarter of million older people also don’t claim Housing Benefit which could save them £4,000 per year.

A complete list of help available…

Experts say one of the main problems remains that there is a stigma attached to asking for help, although people may genuinely not be aware that this help is available. So here’s a list of benefits you could be claiming to help you through hard times, each one is linked to more information:

The post All the things you can get financial help with appeared first on MoneyMagpie.

from Make Money – MoneyMagpie

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