6 professions desperate for workers

Reading Time: 3 mins

A huge number of people face unemployment thanks to coronavirus. But don’t panic: some industries are desperate for workers! If you’ve recently lost your job, or think your current job is at risk, consider taking a career shift and trying something new.

Here are 7 professions you should consider if you’re looking for a change:


1. Social worker


With social distancing rules in place, combined with home schooling, means many vulnerable children and adults are at more risk than ever. Social workers are their safety net, someone who can make sure they’re getting the right services and support.

It’s one of the toughest professions but it can be incredibly rewarding. You might work specifically with children in the care system, adults with substance misuse problems, or those without a fixed abode. Perhaps you might also work with women (and men) who’ve been victims of domestic violence.

You need qualifications to become a social worker, as well as a current DBS check. However, there are some entry-level jobs or positions with charities that’ll give you the experience you need to work your way up the career ladder.


2. Nurse

The NHS is crying out for nurses and doctors due to the coronavirus pandemic. Paramedics, care assistants, and healthcare administrators are also in huge demand to cope with the growing strain on the healthcare system.

In fact, they need people so badly that final-year nursing students are already working in hospitals before graduating, and retired healthcare professionals have returned to their jobs. If you already hold a nursing qualification, consider going back to the NHS. If you don’t have your nursing degree yet, you can still apply for much-needed healthcare support jobs, like care assistants and phlebotomy assistants (the ones that draw blood for testing).


3.Delivery drivers

With everyone stuck at home and high street shops shut, online shopping has seen a boom in recent weeks. Make the most of this by becoming a delivery driver. You can do it as a self-employed driver or as a PAYE employee, depending on the company.

Read more about getting a job as a delivery driver here.


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4. Plumbers

professionsWe’ve all needed a plumber at some point in our lives. However, finding one is getting harder and harder.

Just one of the many trades and professions that are suffering a severe shortage. Despite the attractive wages on offer, less and less people are training to become plumbers.

One reason for this is apprenticeships, the most common route to plumbing, are commonly not encouraged enough in schools. Training courses are currently closed due to the coronavirus – although there may be some useful online courses to teach you some skills. If you’ve already got the skills, experience, and relevant qualifications, you can set up as a self-employed plumber and start working straight away! Remember to abide to social distancing rules when you’re in customers’ homes to avoid catching or spreading the virus.


5. Engineers

Once upon a time, the UK was a world leader in engineering, boasting talent and innovation that was envied throughout the world.

Today, engineering is just one of the many professions suffering from an acute skills shortage. Even though the earning potential is rather high.

Engineering is also extremely important to the UK economy. You just need to look at how quickly major engineering groups got together to design ventilators to help hospitals cope with demand during the coronavirus epidemic. Competitors worked together to develop the ventilator – and many other products – in a matter of DAYS, because our engineering heritage is so good.

Engineering requires a university degree – but you could start learning with online tutorials now, and look for apprenticeships to learn on-the-job when workplaces re-open. You may find some apprenticeships open even during the coronavirus crisis, precisely because of the sheer demand for the essential work that engineers and manufacturers provide.


6. retail Staff

Some of the core key workers during the global pandemic,grocery retail staff are in high demand. Supermarkets can’t hire fast enough in some areas! They have plenty of food and their supply chains are just fine – but they need more staff to cope with increased deliveries, stock control, and overall customer demand. As more people are at home than usual, they no longer grab their lunch of a Boots Meal Deal – instead, they’re cooking meals. That means increased demand for food and items from supermarkets – and the shops need more staff to carry on as usual.


The post 6 professions desperate for workers appeared first on MoneyMagpie.

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