Selling Breast Milk: The Ultimate How-To Guide (Updated 2020)

Frugal For Less
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If you’re a mother who finds that you may produce more breast milk than you need, you may be wondering what to do with it.

A growing trend among breastfeeding mothers is selling breast milk to other mothers for extra cash.

There are many reasons why this is an important ability and there are ways to ensure that you are receiving healthy milk.

Mothers who sell their breast milk through legitimate means must go through a screening process to be able to do so.

This guide will help you discover all you need to know about selling breast milk to others.

The Ultimate Breast Milk Selling Guide

Selling your unneeded breast milk is absolutely a legitimate means to garner some extra income.

You will be able to help other mothers who need to supply their infants with clean milk.

This guide will help you understand what ways are best to sell your milk.

Selling Breast Milk: Why and How to Do It

When it comes to selling breast milk, it may sound a bit strange or unconventional, especially if you did not know this was something people do on the side.

Breast milk is a byproduct of the human body.

There are a lot of questions and concerns about how this process is done, how healthy milk is identified, and where to sell it.

There are all sorts of listings you can find online asking for breast milk.

If you’ve discovered one of those listings you may have some questions.

If consider that people sell other bodily byproducts, such as eggs, sperm, or blood, then you can see why there would be a market for it, albeit unconventional.

When it comes to breast milk, it is still considered the healthiest food that you can give to a newborn baby or infant.

This makes the need for breast milk a concern for many mothers who cannot feed their child with their own.

Based off of the opinion of the American Pregnancy Association, feeding infants breast milk will provide them with all the necessary nutrients that they need after their birth.

Babies who are fed from a bottle from infancy tend to have an inability to discern when they should stop eating.

This is opposed to a baby’s ability to intuitively knowing when to stop breastfeeding.

Babies who are bottle fed tend to overeat, babies who are breastfed tend to stop eating when they are full.

This is not a huge concern for parents who monitor their feeding.

It may, however, cause other problems for their infant later in their life if they become accustomed to over eating.

Selling Breast Milk Due to Health Issues

One of the biggest reasons why mothers sell breast milk to other mothers is because some mothers are unable to breast feed due to health problems or life restrictions.

This could mean that there are many mothers who are lost for time.

It could mean they are unable to produce breast milk of their own.

It could also mean they fear that their breast milk may be unsafe for their baby.

There are a lot of mothers who adopt babies and are incapable of producing breast milk.

This may lead many of them to look for breast milk from other mothers.

Because of this, selling breast milk can be an important way to help other mothers.

This will help provide the proper nutrients that their infants need instead of feeding them formula.

Baby formula has a lot of pros, but the cons can sometimes outweigh the ease of using it as a means for feeding their infants.

There are a lot of studies concerning the use of formula and the correlation between health issues that may develop in babies who were not breast fed.

There are plenty of reasons why selling breast milk can be beneficial or why buying breast milk can change your life.

Amount of Time Women Should Breast Feed

According to studies by Medline Plus, in the first six months of their lives, babies should be fed breast milk to help jump start the development of their immune systems.

This belief is backed by the World Health Organization.

The have stated that women should feed their babies breast milk for innumerable health reasons, but for longer.

The World Health Organization suggests that babies be fed breast milk during their first two years of life.

This is a considerable length of time, and supplying breast milk that long can be difficult.

For mothers who cannot provide their own breast milk, this is something that can cause concern.

This is especially true considering what the obstacles of only using formula can mean.

The World Health Organization states that solid foods should be gradually introduced while the child begins to develop teeth and a stronger immune system.

This is generally a part of the feeding process for babies.

The time between breast feeding only and the introduction of solid foods can be critical for mothers who can not.

These statements are made based on the notion that women will be able to breast feed.

Not all are capable, and that is where selling breast milk changes lives.

Why Would Someone Sell Their Breast Milk? Why Would Someone Buy It?

The main reason why a mom would want to buy breast milk from other women is that they, as a mother, simply cannot breast feed their infants with their own breast milk.

There may be a number of reasons why this is the case for the mothers interested in buying breast milk from other moms.

Here’s a look at different concerns that may affect the need for breast milk.

Health Concerns

They may have difficulties producing milk, which may lead to them not having enough to feed their babies properly.

They may have issues creating milk.

These issues can be a hormonal or endocrine problems that keep them from properly producing milk.

They could also have insufficient glandular tissue to develop milk.

It may be a matter of health concerns affecting their breast milk supply.

The chances of changing their infant’s health may be too high for them to safely breastfeed.

It could be that the mother may have dealt with breast cancer.

They may have undergone a mastectomy or breast augmentation.

The reasons why a mother may have the need to buy breast milk for their infant in terms of health concerns can be many.

Many of these issues can arise during any part of the breast feeding period.

Because of this, being able to provide breast milk to a baby may be a prominent concern.

It is estimated that about 2% of women are incapable of producing enough breast milk on their own to properly feed their infant.

In terms of other women who may be able to produce, there may be a slew of other issues that can overwhelm their breastfeeding schedule or their ability to breast feed.

It’s also a concern for adoptive mothers.

They may have brought a newborn home or have recently adopted a baby that still requires to be breast fed.

The Breast Feeding Process

The process of breast feeding can also be a reason why a mother would be interested in buying breast milk.

When a mother breast feeds, she can find that the process can be painful.

The discomfort of having to breast feed multiple times a day can be overwhelming.

A newborn infant breast feeds from 8 to 12 times a day.

The imposing tenderness and pain that can result from this process multiple times a day may be upsetting.

This may lead mothers to buy breast milk.

Breast feeding can also be time consuming.

This may not be manageable with a busy schedule that requires a mother to stop everything and nurse their baby.

Breast feeding can also be stressful.

This can lead to a development of anxiety.

This is especially true if there are latching issues with an infant who simply does not seem to be interested.

In fact, there are different problems that a mother may face where their infant is unable to be breast fed.

These concerns can include physical issues such as a disability.

They infant could have mouth deformities.

There may be health concerns like colic that cause the infant to cry for extended periods of time.

Despite these and other concerns that may arise, the mother may be interested in solely feeding their infant breast milk.

The health benefits to an infant who is fed breast milk are many.

Having the means to provide their infant with the proper nutrients can lead mothers to want to buy milk.

Pumping Breast Milk

The issues with a mother developing their own milk when they’re not physically feeding their baby themselves can also be a part of why a mother may buy breast milk.

Pumping breast milk is a good way to feed an infant while diminishing a lot of the above concerns.

Even still, there may be a point where the mother’s supply runs out.

The hormonal process of developing milk can be affected by not breast feeding your baby directly.

Pumping milk only instead of breast feeding may cause this process to cease.

Having a busy work schedule can also affect how much time a mother may have to actually breast feed.

Being unable to be physically present due to work restrictions to feed a baby may lead mothers to look for alternatives for their breast milk supply.

These are just a few of the many reasons why a mother may need to purchase breast milk.

Not being able to breast feed is a problem for a lot of mothers.

They may wish to ensure that their infants nutritional needs are being met properly.

By selling breast milk, women help each other make sure that their children are properly nourished during their infancy.

For the mothers who sell breast milk, they find that they are able to bring their unneeded breast milk to a higher purpose.

This process also allows them to make extra money.

With a new addition to a family, having extra money on hand can be very helpful.

Selling breast milk means that the healthy nutrients in the surplus milk does not go to waste while helping those who need it.

Should You Sell Your Breast Milk?

Mothers who are producing breast milk in large quantities may be wondering if they should sell their breast milk to other moms.

If you are a healthy mother who produces more breast milk than your infant can consume or needs, considering selling your breast milk can make you some extra cash.

It is important to consider the reasons why selling breast milk can be beneficial.

You may want to learn what any cons may be in beginning and maintaining the process.

Here, we’ll look at reasons as to why you may be an ideal candidate for selling your breast milk to other mothers.

Provide Children with Nutritional Milk.

When it comes to feeding an infant, nothing compares to the nutrients available in human breast milk.

Choosing to only feed an infant formula or using diluted breast milk will not provide your infant with all the nutrients they need.

The high levels of nutrients that are found in breast milk can not be replicated.

That being a known factor, when it comes to hospitals and infants that are cared for in intensive care units, the need for breast milk is high.

Over the course of one year, hospitals across the country require over 63 million ounces of breast milk.

The only way hospitals can provide these infants the nutrients that they need from breast milk is by receiving it from generous mothers.

Although it may be a practice not known to many, selling breast milk can help save lives and help babies who are in need.

Earn Extra Income.

A definite benefit to mothers who sell breast milk is that this can be a source of extra income during early maternity.

Mothers who are on maternity leave may be in dire need of a steady cash flow.

Being able to sell breast milk can help.

The early months of parenthood can be stressful.

It can be time consuming.

It is definitely riddled with baby related expenses.

Being able to sell milk can translate into being able to buy diapers, nursing tools, nursery items, and much more.

Help Overwhelmed Mothers.

On top of having a source of income that comes from helping other mothers and infants in need, selling breast milk can also be rewarding on a personal level.

Mothers know the importance of being able to properly care for their infants.

Being able to sell breast milk to other women can help facilitate healthy lives for babies everywhere.

Across the world, there are many women who give birth to their infants and discover that they are incapable of lactating.

It is possible that they may find that their babies have latching issues.

These lactation or latching issues may be severe enough that they may be unable to at all.

It is possible they may be unable to breast feed for the entirety of their infants first six months.

This can cause panic and stress.

The first six months are a critical time for helping infants to develop their immune systems.

Mothers who wish to nurse but are unable to may also be concerned with their own emotional health.

As they find ways to provide their baby with proper nutrition, they may find it emotionally taxing.

There is an overwhelming need to find ways to get the proper nutrients from nutritious breast milk to their baby.

Not being able to produce their own can be upsetting.

By selling breast milk to other mothers, you may be the saving grace that a mother in need needs to maintain a healthy baby.

This helps mothers maintain a healthy mindset after giving birth.

Provide An Alternative to Unpasteurized Milk.

There are different ways that a person can choose to sell their breast milk.

Mothers can sell their breast milk online to mothers directly or indirectly.

They may choose to sell it to breast milk banks, or to donate it.

There is one prominent issue that arises with breast milk that comes from breast milk banks.

It is that many breast milk banks often dilute the human breast milk they have available.

Pure breast milk can be diluted with formula or with cow’s milk at breast milk banks.

This may not be known to the mothers or they may be disinterested in this process.

By selling your breast milk to other mothers, you provide them with the ability to give their children undiluted breast milk.

This can mean changing the nutritional development of children in need for the better.

Potential Drawbacks

When it comes to selling breast milk, there are a lot of reasons why this process if good and worth of your attention.

That being said, there are drawbacks that can make selling milk to other mothers a bit stressful.

For starters, selling breast milk online can be a time consuming process.

Finding other mothers who are in need and vetting people interested in purchasing your breast milk can take up a lot of free time.

It can also be a matter of taking the time to ensure that your health is up to standard for being able to sell your breast milk.

It may mean spending a lot of time meeting parents.

They may be interested in developing a relationship with the person who will be providing their infant’s milk.

Dealing with the aspects of regulation and the verification of who is being sold to and who from can often be left to those who are in the exchange process.

Health Concerns and Alternative Buyers

Members of online communities may find that they have to verify their health.

They will also have to verify their identity and more before being able to begin selling.

There may also be scenarios where the exchanges may be scams.

You may also find that people are looking to purchase breast milk for reasons other than feeding an infant.

Dependent on what your position is on selling your breast milk to individuals other than mothers, that may mean a longer vetting process.

Many mothers who wish to purchase breast milk are in need of verification that their breast milk is free of contaminants or infectious diseases.

This may mean having to pay for screenings and tests.

These guarantee the safety of the breast milk being sold and the health of the mother who is selling it.

The cost for these screenings and tests may have to come out of the pockets of the mother looking to sell.

This can be a deterrent.

Even still, selling breast milk to other mothers can be worth it.

If not just for the financial gains, then the communal ones apply here greatly.

Is It Safe to Buy Breast Milk from Someone You Do Not Know?

When it comes to purchasing breast milk, there are points that should be paid attention to for safety and quality reasons.

Buying or selling breast milk from sources that have not been screened is dangerous for many reasons.

This should not be considered under any circumstances.

As a bodily byproduct, you must make sure that you are selling or purchasing breast milk from a source that is reputably documented.

The process of selling breast milk, at least in the beginning, is an anonymous one.

There are aspects to this process that are vulnerable and meaningful.

Embarking on this journey can be deeply personal.

Topics to Cover with Buyers

As mothers seek help from other mothers, there is an exchange of mutual understanding and respect that should not be taken lightly.

There are a lot of things to consider when selling breast milk.

This includes extraneous factors that may not be looked out for.

The initial conversation will begin with a stranger.

Having some patience and carefully navigating the exchange can be beneficial to you in the long run.

There are plenty of questions you want to ask before you move on with the process of selling or buying breast milk.

You’ll want to know if the milk has been properly pumped, and how it’s been stored.

You’ll also want to know what the mother’s diet may be or if they smoke, take medication, and more.

If you’re planning to sell your breast milk through a reputable source, you can rest easy.

They will make a point of ensuring that the breast milk is safe to be bought and sold.

You’ll want to sell to mothers who are in need and who are looking for safe methods of purchase.

The best way to do this is to vet where you sell your milk to.

Breast Milk Storing Procedures

Any place you choose to sell your breast milk to that is reputable will have a set procedure for how you must extract and store your breast milk.

These processes should be followed to the letter.

You do not want to risk having your breast milk rejected by the milk donation bank or listing site due to improper practices.

A lot of these reputable places will have screening processes put in place to make sure your healthy.

This is to ensure that you are well enough for your breast milk to be sold to other mothers.

This is important because the breast milk you sell will be consumed by an infant that is not your own.

The possible effects on their health will be direct.

For this reason, it is important to be honest about how you lead your life.

Discussing your lifestyle will be necessary.

What you eat, if you have any medical issues, what your medications are, if you smoke or consume alcohol, and other questions will be asked.

The people who want to buy your breast milk want to ensure that they are investing in someone who takes care of their body.

Their breast milk will in turn care for the health of their child.

By being up front and honest, you can build relationships with people who are interested in purchasing your breast milk.

This means potentially having repeat customers.

Having repeat customers means having a steady flow of income from selling your breast milk.

You’ll also develop a trusting relationship where you can confidently interact.

Transparency goes a long way when it comes to this process.

As a mother, being able to understand where your breast milk is going or coming from can put your mind at ease.

How Much Can You Sell Breast Milk For?

The biggest question you may have is: What is the value of my breast milk?

For the sake of giving you a general idea, you can sell your breast milk usually for anywhere between $1 and $2.50 per ounce.

Most mothers sell their breast milk for around $2 an ounce, which can add up quickly.

Some mothers may be able to sell their breast milk for more in some instances.

This can add up quickly for you.

Considering that the average infant consumes roughly around 25 ounces of breast milk daily or more, there’s money to be made.

At $2 an ounce, that can mean $50 from one transaction for one day.

At a rate of $2.50, you can make a whopping $438 a week, or roughly around $1,600 every month.

That means you can make a lot of money if you find the right person to sell to.

If you are lucky they will keep coming back to buy from you.

Finding a mother who is in need of breast milk every day may be possible.

That can be lucrative, but there is no guarantee this will be the case.

Holding out hope for a golden opportunity may not always be possible.

Even with a less consistent buyer, you can still make a lot of money selling breast milk!

Cost of Shipping

It is possible that you’ll find mothers who are interested in purchasing breast milk to supplement their own production.

The chances that the person you sell to will be looking for a single source of breast milk may also be something to consider.

You may want to find more than one customer if you can manage to produce enough for multiple transactions.

This may lead to even more money in your pocket.

No matter what, selling your breast milk can mean a good amount of extra money coming in every month.

Closely considering your options is important.

You will have to consider the costs of packaging and shipping your milk.

You’ll have to deduct these costs from your incoming profits.

The price of these parts of the process can be a bit expensive.

For example, you will have to keep your milk fresh as it is being transported.

You’ll have to ship your breast milk in a cooler that contains dry ice.

A cooler is heavier and more expensive to ship than simply sending a small package or letter.

There is no possibility to cut corners on this.

It is imperative that the milk stay cold as it is being moved from home to home.

Income from Breast Milk and Taxes

It’s also important to remember that any profits you make from selling your breast milk is taxable income.

You’ll want to keep a file of how much you make for the sake of filing your income taxes at the end of the year.

Its important to avoid any issues with the IRS.

Cutting corners on this can lead to a lot of trouble.

Remember to keep that in mind as you begin to calculate the profits of your potential sales.

Amount Needed as Babies Grow

It’s important to note that babies need different amounts of breast milk as they grow.

The age of an infant can determine how much you will be able to sell.

Newborns in particular need a lot less milk when they are born.

Usually, their daily intake is sometimes as little as six ounces.

This is due to the fact that they only really need about half an ounce per feeding.

Newborns are fed usually somewhere between 8 and 12 times per day.

It may seem like a lot of breast milk is being consumed, but their little bellies are too small for a lot!

This changes rapidly, though, as babies do grow quickly.

A two week old baby will consumer around six times that amount per feeding.

This roughly adds up to about 3 ounces in one sitting.

That means that a two week old baby can consume around 36 ounces per day.

The amount of breast milk necessary for an infant to consume on a daily basis as they age may increase dramatically.

Despite this, the amount of times they are fed will decrease.

Children who are around six months of age will consume around 30-40 ounces of milk per day.

Having one customer that purchases milk from you at a daily amount that reaches these numbers in ounces can mean a lot of cash flow.

Again, this is not necessarily guaranteed.

As the person selling your breast milk, this is an ideal to keep in mind as you go through the process of finding customers.

Average Prices

The places where you sell your breast milk will have an average price listed on their websites.

You should carefully consider your options when choosing a platform.

On average, these platforms will advertise that their selling point is between $1 and $2.

Ideally, you’d sell for as much as possible.

If you’re selling to a mother who needs 30 to 40 ounces of milk per day, you can make upwards of $60 to $80 daily.

In a months time, you can easily make a mind blowing amount of money at these rates.

For these reasons it is important to sell your breast milk to a reputable source.

You’ll be able to make anywhere from $1,800 to $2,400 per month!

If you’re producing enough milk for one or more customers, your profits can go even higher.

This is a lucrative side hustle for nursing mothers.

It can result in a lot of extra income, so consider your options carefully and you’ll be on your way!

Should You Sell Milk to Milk Banks?

When it comes to selling your breast milk, there are a few different avenues you can go down to complete a sale.

You are welcome to try your hand at different online platforms that allow you to sell your breast milk directly to other mothers.

Another method is selling to a milk bank.

There are quite a few milk banks to consider.

It is important to understand the pros and cons of selling to a milk bank versus selling to someone directly.

Human Milk Banking Association of America

In the US and some parts of Canada, there are 29 different milk banks that can be found through the Human Milk Banking Association of America (HMBANA).

Many of these different milk banks work regionally or nationally.

There is no need to stress finding a milk bank that is local or in your home state.

You’ll be able to choose one that is convenient for you to work with, regardless of distance.

Using one of the milk banks that are listed through the Human Milk Banking Association of America has its benefits.

They do not require the donor to pay for shipping costs out of pocket.

They allow mothers to donate their breast milk by dropping it off at one of their bank locations.

The staff at these milk banks are also trained in how to help guide you through the screening process.

Simply calling one can help you begin your journey.

Through the Human Milk Banking Association of America, you will find 24 milk banks in the United States.

There are also international milk banks for anyone who is based in Europe

The milk banks that are associated with the Human Milk Banking Association of America have a very strict process for screening, processing and dispensing milk.

These methods have been carefully constructed by HMBANA with the help of the CDC and the US Food and Drug Administration.

These procedures are also inclusive of any state regulations set by the departments of health in their respective local areas.

These processes are regularly updated to remain compliant with health and safety standards across the nation.

The functioning milk banks are frequently assessed to ensure these guidelines are all closely followed.

The process of handling the donated breast milk is as follows.


The individuals who handle the pasteurization process are all required to carefully sanitize themselves.

They must do this before handling the donated breast milk.

They are required to carefully scrub their hands with antimicrobial soap before beginning the pasteurization process.

Sterile gloves at every point during the pasteurization.

There are no exceptions to this.


After the person who is handling the donor milk has carefully sanitized their hands and put on sterile gloves, the next step is to transfer the milk.

The donated milk is carefully moved from the storage container it originally was received in.

They place the milk in flasks made of glass for the process of pasteurization to begin.

Mixing and Pooling

The next part is mixing and pooling the donated milk.

Each pool that is created in the pasteurization process contains the breast milk of three to five donor mothers.

It is important to note here that this is a standard practice.

Anyone who is receiving donor milk will get a combination of different donations.

When the mixing and pooling process occurs, the breast milk is carefully mixed.

This is to ensure that the nutritional components are evenly distributed through the entire pool.

Filling Bottles

Different bottle sizes are filled with the donated breast milk before being pasteurized.

These bottles range from 1.5 to 8 ounces.

Pasteurizing using the Holder Method

The next step in the process is the actual pasteurization.

All of the breast milk that is donated to the Human Milk Banking Association of America is pasteurized using the Holder method.

This method has been developed to eliminate any bacteria that may be potentially harmful to an infant.

This process also helps to retain the predominant nutrients that are beneficial.

Lab Testing

During the Holder method, samples of donated milk are taken from the pool.

These are carefully tested.

The tests that are administered are developed to check that pasteurization is happening successfully.

The samples are cultured to check for bacterial growth.

This is to ensure that harmful bacteria is eliminated.

Any of the donated milk that has been potentially contaminated is immediately discarded.

Pasteurized Donor Human Milk

Once the pasteurization process has been completed, the donated breast milk is then stored and frozen.

The dispensation of the donated milk only occurs after the milk has been stored for a time.

This milk has been carefully cultured again to make sure no harmful bacteria has grown.

After this process has been completed, the donated breast milk is then shipped in containers that keep it frozen.

These shipments go directly to hospitals in need of donated breast milk.

They also go to outpatient families who seek donated milk for their children.

This process is very meticulous and carefully designed.

It is to ensure that the donated breast milk that is sent out is safe and ready for consumption by children in need.

There may be personal ideals that move persons who are looking for donated breast milk away from this option.

These ideals may be based in what happens during the process of mixing and pooling breast milk at these donation centers.

It has been found that donated breast milk can be diluted at some of these milk banks.

It has been found through one particular Pediatrics study that donated breast milk is sometimes diluted with cow’s milk.

According to this study, up to 10% of donated breast milk is diluted in this manner.

For mothers who are interested in using milk that is pure, this may not be satisfactory.

Milk Bank Donations

Another thing to consider when using a milk bank is that the breast milk you give to them is not usually paid for.

These contributions to this particular organization of milk banks are typically considered donations.

There is no way to avoid this.

This means that you will not be able to make extra cash on the side from donating to milk banks.

You will, however, be able to help mothers in need.

For some, it is more important to be of service to others.

If you’re interested in making some income from selling your breast milk, you may want to consider other options.

Another thing to consider when deciding between donating and selling is that mothers who are interested in donating must pay for their own supplies.

This means purchasing the bottles and breast pumps that will be used to donate the breast milk.

This can also be the case even if you are selling instead of donating.

Mothers Milk Cooperative

With an organization like the Mothers Milk Cooperative to make some income, there are different challenges.

You will find that they do not help pay for storage or the breast pumps.

Through this organization, you will only be eligible to be paid for your breast milk after you’ve shipped 150 ounces.

They take these 150 ounces of breast milk as a sample and use it for their screening process.

This is necessary, but you will not make any money until this is completed.

Even still, through this organization, you’ll only make about $1 per ounce.

This is not the most you can get selling your breast milk.

For this reason, it is important to carefully consider your options and determine what the best process is for you.

If you’re looking to sell your breast milk for $2 an ounce or more, you may want to take a look at other options.

Options for Making Money from Your Milk

When it comes to finding ways to actually make money from your breast milk, there are different ways that you can do so successfully.

You may have seen some ads on websites like Craigslist.

This website is not a reputable way of selling your breast milk.

These ads are made by individuals who are seeking breast milk.

They can be created by companies that you may not be able to identify as reputable.

You will be able to find people to sell your breast milk to through websites like Craigslist.

The issue is there is no guarantee that it will be properly screened and processed.

This can be potentially dangerous.

It may leave you in line for legal trouble, especially if your breast milk is not properly stored or becomes contaminated.

For this reason alone, selling to people on Craigslist is not suggested.

Another thing to consider is that you may be unable to receive a quality price for the breast milk that you’d sell via Craigslist.

In all honesty, this process is one where you are looking to make a profit.

Not making a decent amount per ounce can result in your time being spent dubiously.

You do have the benefit of selling to a local person.

This being said, doing so via Craigslist can get shady really quickly.

Instead, consider selling your breast milk to someone you know personally if location is a part of your screening process.

Be sure to find methods to ensure the safety of your breast milk before selling it to someone locally.

If you’re interested in saving your self time and potential trouble, it is better to sell your milk online.

Choose to sell your breast milk to a reputable source such as a milk bank.

Sell Breast Milk Online

If you’re looking for a place to sell your breast milk online in a marketplace that resembles Craigslist, then you should consider Only the Breast.

This website has been developed in a manner that resembles a classifieds website that allows women to buy and sell their breast milk to other mothers in need.

There are specific procedures that Only the Breast has in place.

Women who are looking to sell their breast milk should follow these procedures.

These procedures are in place for the sake of ensuring the safety and quality of the breast milk that is sold on their marketplace.

All of these procedures are suggested by Only the Breast to ensure that users have a quality experience.

Members must agree to basic guidelines.

These include keeping their ads G rated, or run the risk of being booted from the community.

Because the platform is a bit of a solo seller’s marketplace, the rules that they have in place are not necessarily mandatory.

They are highly suggested to follow, though, by the platform and its community.

Anyone looking to purchase breast milk from someone can ask the person they’re buying from to comply with any of the rules.

If a seller does not agree to follow through on the suggestions of the buyer, they are likely to lose the buyer.

When it comes to finding a viable buyer for your breast milk, you are likely to find more successful clients if you follow the basic safety tips that are suggested.

Seller Tips from Only the Breast

Making sure the person selling the breast milk is properly screened via a blood work test.

This blood test should be similar to one that you would undergo if you were donating to a milk bank.

This blood test would include tests for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis and Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV).

Anyone who is accepting breast milk from someone should make absolutely sure these tests are done.

The person they are buying from should have been recently tested.

The results should be current.

It is also suggested that the buyers who are interested in purchasing breast milk from someone ask for these results.

These should be received before proceeding with any transactions.

If the person who is selling breast milk has not recently been tested for any of these health issues, then it is highly suggested these tests are completed.

For individuals who are in need of a blood test, they can find accessible blood screening through AccesaLabs.

This is a 3rd party blood screening company that offers breast milk donor screening specifically.

This particular panel is used specifically for the purpose of screening breast milk donors.

This should be done ahead of selling their breast milk to individuals or milk banks.

Medical Records and Donation

It is also beneficial for the seller to get a certified letter from their doctor.

This letter should state that their breast milk will not harm or risk the health of an infant.

This is a good double down that shows that the seller is healthy and able to safely supply an infant with their breast milk.

As a seller, you may be asked for medical records that clearly show previous medical health history.

This is a component of this process that would be standard practice at a milk bank.

These medical records would be the kind you would find at a doctors office.

They should be easy to access from your health care physician.

It is also very highly suggested that either the seller or the buyer pasteurize the breast milk.

It is imperative that this process be completed prior to being fed to an infant.

Breast milk can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

At Only the Breast, they are adamant that all milk be pasteurized before consumption .

There is a high risk of having contaminated milk if it is not properly pasteurized.

Feeding an infant contaminated milk can be very risky and potentially life threatening.

This is not something to be taken lightly.

Home Pasturization

For those who must go through this process, there are home pasteurization tips that can help.

Either party should be able to successfully pasteurize the breast milk with these methods.

Outside of these highly suggested procedures, it is also suggested that people looking to purchase breast milk speak with their donor about their lifestyle.

This includes what type of foods they eat, medications they may take, if they smoke, or drink.

Any kinds of other activities that may affect the quality of the breast milk should be reported.

It is also important for sellers to share with their buyers how they handle the breast milk.

Proper hygiene is important during this process.

Making sure to use tools that help keep the breast milk free of contamination should be shared.

This includes using tools like rubber gloves, sterilized bottles, etc.

Breast Milk Purity

The mothers who are buying from sellers at Only the Breast expect the breast milk they receive to be pure.

It is a part of the terms and conditions of the site that no milk that is sold be diluted in any way.

This means making sure that the milk is not cut with cow’s milk or baby formula.

The donations should be 100% pure.

They should come directly from the mothers who are communicating on the site.

Only the Breast highly suggests that anyone who is uncomfortable while speaking with a potential buyer or seller should end the transaction.

This includes individuals who are living an unhealthy lifestyle or who are incapable or unwilling to provide medical records and blood work.

The blood work should be a definite hard line that should not be ignored.

If you feel that the person who you’re interacting with is being shady, run the other way.

Under no circumstances should a seller be accepted if they are not carefully tested and screened for any possible health concerns.

All sellers should be in prime health, free of illicit drug use, and have passed at least 24 hours without consuming alcohol before pumping breast milk.

Categories on Only the Breast

For those interested in selling on Only the Breast, there are different categories for individuals looking to sell their breast milk.

The people who are looking for breast milk to buy can look for ads based on the age of the infant they are trying to nurse.

The different age groups are from a day old to two months, two to six months, and six to twelve months.

The reason for this is that the composition of the breast milk changes over time as the mother nurses her baby.

Matching the correct nutrients is important for the baby.

On only the breast, mothers can also choose different sub categories to help them determine who they want to buy from.

There are options for women to sell their breast milk locally.

Thy can also choose to sell their breast milk to alternative buyers such as men.

There are also sub categories that allow mothers to sell their breast milk in bulk.

This helps lower the cost of the breast milk to around $0.25 to $0.50 per ounce.

There is also the option to sell breast milk in smaller quantities for $1.00 per ounce.

When it comes to using Only the Breast, all you must do to get started is sign up for an account on their website, which is free!

You’ll have to determine how you’d like to sell your breast milk before you begin moving forward with communicating with potential buyers.

There are two main options.

You can sell locally and exchange breast milk for cash upon a face-to-face meeting.

The other option is to freeze and ship breast milk to buyers around the country.

The AccessLabs Blood Test

For women who are looking to take their blood test through AccessLabs, they can expect to have this 3rd party company send them the necessary kit.

After this kit has been delivered, the seller will take it to a local blood work lab to have the test properly administered.

Sellers can expect to get their test results back within a few days time.

There will not be a disparity between how long the test results may take and the window for selling.

It must be stated up front that the kit itself is costly.

It is a $259 investment up front to get your hands on the correct blood work kit.

It’s expensive up front, but that works in your favor.

Once you have passed this screening, you will be able to sell to whomever you please.

This test is very thorough and tests individuals for diseases that can be transmitted through breast milk such as HIV and hepatitis.

These tests are extremely important.

These diseases can lead to serious health related harm to an infant.

This kit may be an investment up front, but taking care of this step means that you will be cleared to sell your breast milk to mothers in need.

Shipping Breast Milk

When it comes time to complete the transaction and sell your breast milk to a mother in need, you must consider how you will deliver the breast milk.

Shipping breast milk can be costly.

This can cut into your profits.

For mothers who are selling locally, these costs are much less.

You may not always have individuals in your immediate area who are in need of breast milk, though.

Because of this, it is often that mothers go out of their way to ship to mothers in different regions.

To do this successfully, there are a few steps that must be taken.

Important Points When Shipping

These are to ensure that things go smoothly.

The very first thing is making sure that when the shipment arrives, someone will be there to receive it.

Because of the perishable nature of breast milk, it must be properly stored at a temperature that will not allow bacteria to flourish.

If the delivery of the breast milk is not properly accepted by the buyer, the risk of the milk being spoiled is high.

This can result in a lot of different problems.

For this reason, it is important that buyers communicate with their sellers about a good day and time to receive their shipment.

When it comes to storing and packaging the breast milk, it is highly suggested that the breast milk be shipped in a cooler that is filled with dry ice.

It is also highly suggested that the cooler be clearly labeled.

They should be labeled to identify that the contents of the shipment contain human milk.

This is so the people who are shipping it are aware of what kind of precious cargo they have with them.

They will know what steps need to be taken to make sure the package is not damaged.

This process may seem tedious and questionably lengthy.

That notion will wear off with time as you become more comfortable with the selling process.

As tedious as it may be to go through all of these steps, these steps help to make you a more trustworthy candidate.

This can be a make or break situation for individuals looking to incur a decent income from selling their breast milk.

The benefits of going through the proper screening process and meeting the standards set by Only the Breast can mean easy cash flow.

Other Places to Sell Your Breast Milk

When it comes to selling breast milk online, Only the Breast is not your sole option.

There are different avenues that you can go down to help you sell your breast milk and make some extra cash flow.

There are a lot of different pros and cons to weigh before choosing where to sell your breast milk.

It is important that you first carefully decide if this is right for you.

The process can be expensive to get started on and can take a while to finally settle all the necessary aspects of becoming a seller of breast milk.

Once you’ve determined that selling breast milk is for you, you’ll be able to choose different ways of selling it.

Only the Breast is great for mothers who are looking to sell their breast milk on their own without the help of an organization or milk bank.

Human Milk 4 Human Babies Global Network

Human Milk 4 Human Babies Global Network is another alternative place to sell your breast milk.

This is a Facebook group that is a global network for mothers to connect and sell their breast milk to other mothers in need.

It has been actively working towards connecting different families together to help them properly care for and feed their children.

This is another marketplace that is unconventional, but the same rules apply on this platform as with others.

It is important to note that women usually post on this particular Facebook group page to let other mothers know they have available breast milk.

These are not profiles specifically created for the purpose of selling breast milk.

They are individual Facebook members who are interested in sharing their breast milk.

As with the members of Only the Breast, it is important that people buying and selling on this platform follow the same health procedures.

This includes screening blood, which is highly important.

Checking medical history is another important step.

Talking about lifestyle choices that may affect the breast milk that is to be sold should also occur.

Nutritionally speaking, breast milk is the best thing an infant can consume.

This is only if the breast milk is devoid of any contaminations.

Making sure to follow the necessary steps to pasteurize the milk before it is consumed by an infant is also very important.

Some of the nutrients get broken down in this process.

Still, it is the only way to ensure that the breast milk does not have any harmful bacteria.

Choosing to sell on any of these platforms can help connect mothers who are in need of each other’s help.

Doing so safely is the most important aspect of all.

Selling Versus Donating

For many mothers, selling their breast milk can mean changing their life and the lives of needy mothers in positive, transformative ways.

Taking the time to go through all the necessary steps to sell breast milk can be stressful though.

Many mothers may find that it is easier to donate their milk instead.

There are a number of different places where breast milk can be donated.

The main three are the Mothers Milk Cooperative, the Human Milk Banking Association of North America and the National Milk Bank.

The process of becoming one of the members of these communities is no less tedious.

There is no compensation for donating with some of these places.

For these reasons, donating breast milk may be the least favorite option for many.

Why Selling is Better for You

Many mothers may start with the idea of donating their breast milk.

They may very quickly realize that they can sell it for profit instead!

If you find that you’re interested in donating to one of these different milk banks, you may as well sell it to buyers who need and make a profit!

Donation milk banks tend to change the purity of donated milk, and this may not be appealing to you.

If you are producing large quantities of breast milk, it is smart to turn that excess into real money!

Donating may be ideal if you find that you are not producing as much breast milk as you’d need to be a successful seller.

If you’ve only got a few extra ounces per day, it may not be worth the trouble to develop a seller profile and pay for all of the up front costs.

In this instance, it is a good idea to go with a donation milk bank as they will likely cover a lot of the up front costs.

You’ll be able to help mothers in need with what you have to spare.

You will not be losing out on much in terms of profit because your production levels are not too high.

When it comes to donating your breast milk to one of these organizations, it is important to pay attention to their requirements, as they may vary.

Doing as much research as you possibly can can help you to determine what the best avenue for using your breast milk will be.

For many mothers, the assistance of buying breast milk can be a saving grace for their infant.

This is true whether the milk is donated or sold.

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in selling your breast milk, it is important to know ahead of time what the experience entails.

Not everyone has the patience to deal with all of the necessary requirements for selling breast milk.

There are a lot of different steps to go through before being able to make a profit.

The truth is that the trouble is worth the extra income.

You may have to invest a couple hundred dollars up front.

The profits that you make back once you’ve set yourself up can help pay for baby and nursery supplies.

This means you will not have to pay for these necessary items out of your regular paycheck.

Things like diapers, wipes, cribs, strollers, and more can be bought with the profits from selling your breast milk.

You can also choose to use the funds towards anything of your choosing.

This includes remodeling your home, planning a vacation, or saving it for your baby’s college future.

Make Money While Helping Others

In a way, breast milk is a hot commodity for a lot of mothers who deal with health issues.

Lactation problems that result in their need for buying breast milk can be a great influencer.

Being able to help mothers in need can be lucrative for mothers who are overproducing breast milk.

This is especially true when it comes to the cash profits.

The pros and cons are many.

For those who have their hearts set on making some extra income, the odds are in their favor.

A healthy mother who is producing enough milk that you have a freezer full of extra breast milk should consider turning that milk into money

You will be content with the increase in your bank account.

You’ll also be able to help mothers who would otherwise be left with less appealing options.

If you’re interested in selling your breast milk for profit, get a head start today.

Sign up for the available breast milk selling websites.

If you have any other tips or suggestions on selling breast milk, please let us know in the comments below.

Selling Breast Milk: The Ultimate How-To Guide (Updated 2020)
Justin Stewart

from Frugal For Less

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